Gary Goodman

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About Gary

“Someday, Gary Goodman may slip an elephant through the eye of a needle.”

The Palm Beach Post

When Gary Goodman was 12, he invited 20 friends into his garage, charged ten cents a head, and locked the door. He then spent the next hour performing magic tricks he’d learned from library books!

Although Gary comes from a show business family, it was the famed escape artist, Harry Houdini, who set him on the road to becoming a magician. After seeing a Houdini movie, he was determined to become an illusionist. A magical stroke of good fortune provided the opportunity for Gary to meet with one of Houdini’s last surviving illusion builders who taught him to create and perform some of Houdini’s infamous illusions. The young magician began performing these Houdini originals along with several more of his own design throughout high school and college.

For the last 40 years Gary Goodman has consistently amazed audiences worldwide with his skills in Sleight-of-Hand Magic, Comedy Stage Magic and Grand Illusions. He has performed during Miami Heat half-time shows for 8 seasons, was chosen out of 75 magicians to win a role in Adam Sandler’s “Jack and Jill” movie and performed for the Queen of England’s Beefeaters guards at the Tower of London.

Gary can be seen performing at Fortune 500 events, the Chris Evert Pro Celebrity Tournament Half Time, New York Cities Friars Club, college campuses, schools, private parties and onboard the Disney ‘Magic’ ship. Most recently, Gary has had the pleasure of performing for Chevy Chase, Celine Dion and Adam Sandler.

Gary recently authored a bestselling book, “Magic Tricks to Fool Your Friends”, receiving rave reviews and teaching readers easy-to-learn magical tricks.

Carico - Beach Balls - 1-3-20 CLOSE UP MAGIC - SPONGE BALLS - ST ANDREWS CC Gary Goodman Illusionist LEMON GAME - WINE FESTIVAL

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